Saturday, May 18, 2013

Product Spotlight: Dasani Drops Flavor Enhancers

So as we all know, losing weight means water, water, and more water. But for me I've found water is only a temporary solution to my hunger pangs. Its flavorless and just doesn't always make me feel full. Half of feeling full is tasting something. Today I found Dasani Drops. They're 0 calories!!! You put two drops into each 8 oz. of water, and it makes your water taste amazing! It tastes like juice but doesn't have any calories or make you bloat like juice would. It just makes getting in tons of water do-able and it gives you something to taste. I really like them! I got Cherry Pomegranate and Mixed Berry today and they are both great, especially Mixed Berry.
Hope this helps and let me know what you think of them!
Xoxo, Lana

1 comment:

  1. I can't stop thinking about food, help! I don't think im fat, but my clothes are getting tighter and i workout too hard. I need to stop thinking about food
